
Random tech jargon

Browsing the topic administration

Update: See my newer post that re-evaluates the frameworks. Things have changed since then. Today I began working on a new project and decided to benchmark Catalyst and Rails for fun. See how my new favorable framework does against Rails. I was a bit shocked at the results though. I guess this is worth mentioning […]

Ill keep it short; SMF > rc.d # ps -ef | grep -i thttpd root 3919 6938 0 15:45:16 pts/6 0:00 grep -i thttpd webservd 18619 592 0 Jun 11 ? 0:54 /opt/extra/sbin/thttpd -C thttpd.conf Now… # kill -9 18619 # ps -ef | grep -i thttpd webservd 4017 592 0 15:47:33 ? 0:00 /opt/extra/sbin/thttpd […]

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