Perlbal Sticky Sessions
I *really* needed session affinity for our wicket application. HAproxy does session affinity but can’t be reconfigured at runtime without a restart. Perlbal is much more configurable, it lets you add and remove nodes in a pool at runtime. This makes deploying a new version of our web application a lot easier. I have the ability to test a new version of our application before putting it back into the pool of active nodes.
This is my first attempt at writing a sticky sessions plugin for Perlbal.
Update 06/26/09 Now on github perlbal-plugin-stickysessions
Update 04/30/09 Added Perlbal::XS::HTTPHeaders Support. Faster header parsing performance.
Update Fixed the Set-Cookies merge bug with the way Perlbal handles headers.
package Perlbal::Plugin::StickySessions; use Perlbal; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use HTTP::Date; use CGI qw/:standard/; use CGI::Cookie; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed reftype); # LOAD StickySessions # SET plugins = stickysessions # # Add $self->{service}->run_hook('modify_response_headers', $self); # To sub handle_response in BackendHTTP after Content-Length is set. # sub load { my $class = shift; return 1; } sub unload { my $class = shift; return 1; } sub get_backend_id { my $be = shift; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#{ $be->{ service }->{ pool }->{ nodes } } ; $i++ ) { my ( $nip, $nport ) = @{ $be->{ service }->{ pool }->{ nodes }[$i] }; my $nipport = $nip . ':' . $nport; if ( $nipport eq $be->{ ipport } ) { return $i + 1; } } # default to the first backend in the node list. return 1; } sub decode_server_id { my $id = shift; return ( $id - 1 ); } sub get_ipport { my ( $svc, $req ) = @_; my $cookie = $req->header('Cookie'); my %cookies = (); my $ipport = undef; %cookies = parse CGI::Cookie($cookie) if defined $cookie; if ( defined $cookie && defined $cookies{ 'X-SERVERID' } ) { my $val = $svc->{ pool } ->{ nodes }[ decode_server_id( $cookies{ 'X-SERVERID' }->value ) ]; my ( $ip, $port ) = @{ $val } if defined $val; $ipport = $ip . ':' . $port; } return $ipport; } sub find_or_get_new_backend { my ( $svc, $req, $client ) = @_; my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $be; my $ipport = get_ipport( $svc, $req ); my $now = time; while ( $be = shift @{ $svc->{ bored_backends } } ) { next if $be->{ closed }; # now make sure that it's still in our pool, and if not, close it next unless $svc->verify_generation($be); # don't use connect-ahead connections when we haven't # verified we have their attention if ( !$be->{ has_attention } && $be->{ create_time } < $now - 5 ) { $be->close("too_old_bored"); next; } # don't use keep-alive connections if we know the server's # just about to kill the connection for being idle if ( $be->{ disconnect_at } && $now + 2 > $be->{ disconnect_at } ) { $be->close("too_close_disconnect"); next; } # give the backend this client if ( defined $ipport ) { if ( $be->{ ipport } eq $ipport ) { if ( $be->assign_client($client) ) { $svc->spawn_backends; return 1; } } } else { if ( $be->assign_client($client) ) { $svc->spawn_backends; return 1; } } # assign client can end up closing the connection, so check for that return 1 if $client->{ closed }; } return 0; } # called when we're being added to a service sub register { my ( $class, $gsvc ) = @_; my $check_cookie_hook = sub { my Perlbal::ClientProxy $client = shift; my Perlbal::HTTPHeaders $req = $client->{ req_headers }; return 0 unless defined $req; my $svc = $client->{ service }; # we define were to send the client request $client->{ backend_requested } = 1; $client->state('wait_backend'); return unless $client && !$client->{ closed }; if ( find_or_get_new_backend( $svc, $req, $client ) != 1 ) { push @{ $svc->{ waiting_clients } }, $client; $svc->{ waiting_client_count }++; $svc->{ waiting_client_map }{ $client->{ fd } } = 1; my $ipport = get_ipport( $svc, $req ); if ( defined($ipport) ) { my ( $ip, $port ) = split( /\:/, $ipport ); $svc->{ spawn_lock } = 1; my $be = Perlbal::BackendHTTP->new( $svc, $ip, $port, { pool => $svc->{ pool } } ); $svc->{ spawn_lock } = 0; } else { $svc->spawn_backends; } $client->tcp_cork(1); } return 0; }; my $set_cookie_hook = sub { my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $be = shift; my Perlbal::HTTPHeaders $hds = $be->{ res_headers }; my Perlbal::HTTPHeaders $req = $be->{ req_headers }; return 0 unless defined $be && defined $hds; my $svc = $be->{ service }; my $cookie = $req->header('Cookie'); my %cookies = (); %cookies = parse CGI::Cookie($cookie) if defined $cookie; my $backend_id = get_backend_id($be); if ( !defined( $cookies{ 'X-SERVERID' } ) || $cookies{ 'X-SERVERID' }->value != $backend_id ) { my $backend_cookie = new CGI::Cookie( -name => 'X-SERVERID', -value => $backend_id ); if ( defined $hds->header('set-cookie') ) { my $val = $hds->header('set-cookie'); $hds->header( 'Set-Cookie', $val .= "\r\nSet-Cookie: " . $backend_cookie->as_string ); } else { $hds->header( 'Set-Cookie', $backend_cookie ); } } return 0; }; $gsvc->register_hook( 'StickySessions', 'start_proxy_request', $check_cookie_hook ); $gsvc->register_hook( 'StickySessions', 'modify_response_headers', $set_cookie_hook ); return 1; } # called when we're no longer active on a service sub unregister { my ( $class, $svc ) = @_; $svc->unregister_hooks('StickySessions'); $svc->unregister_setters('StickySessions'); return 1; } 1;
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