Random Varnish Tips n Tricks
December 4, 2009
Clearing stale cache by domain
You can clear a site’s cache by domain, this is really nifty if you have Varnish in front of multiple sites. You can log into Varnish’s administration console via telnet and execute the following purge command to wipe out the undesired cache.
purge req.http.host ~ letsgetdugg.com
Monitor Response codes
Worried that some of your clients might be receiving 503 Varnish response pages? Find out with varnishtop.
varnishtop -i TxStatus
Here is how the output looks like.
list length 7 web
4018.65 TxStatus 200
132.35 TxStatus 304
44.17 TxStatus 404
34.63 TxStatus 302
30.87 TxStatus 301
9.36 TxStatus 403
1.39 TxStatus 503
What does the float column (containing “4018.65” in your example) indicate exactly?