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This is a followup on my previous post concerning how to correctly snapshot databases on ZFS. Snapshotting MySQL any other way will just lead to corrupt database states, essentially making your backups useless. Here is my script that I use to snapshot our MySQL database. It uses my zBackup.rb script for the automated backup rotation. […]

Today, I am open sourcing my Ruby LocaleTranslator; the translator uses google’s translator API to translate a primary seed locale into various other languages. This eases the creation of multi-lingual sites. Not only can the LocaleTranslator translate your main seed locale into different languages but it can also recursively merge in differences, this comes in […]

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I finally got around to open sourcing our scala memcached implementation that we use at fabulously40 for session storage. Since wicket sessions can vary greatly in size, using the standard memcached server implementation became impractical due to the slab allocator. The current code on github lacks the ehcache store and an Actor IoHandler adapter. The […]

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